Kylie Jenner


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Kylie Jenner is found on many social media platforms , she's a young entrepreneur with her own make up line, store , video game , reality show , YouTube channel and app which allows us to consume information about her so therefore she's a prosumer. She uses her own social media platforms to stay connected to her followers  for example when kylie Jenner goes live I'm choosing to watch her live on Instagram or snapchat or on her app .      I would consider her a prosumer because she produces products that attract the audience secondly her audience are active because her audience interacts with her products  and they have the decision to watch her live on the social media like facebook, instgram and snapchat.
Because she's so popular there seems to be a lot of adverts so therefore this is known as passive because I don’t choose to watch the adverts. I choose to watch her . 


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